Hello there, so glad you popped in!

I’m a Midwestern block printer, surface designer and college interior design instructor. Block printing on fabric has become my main medium as I am drawn to the textures, worn look and imperfections found in each individual print.  I love the challenge of seeing how many new patterns I can create with one motif or design element.  In addition to block printing, I design patterns for wallpaper, textiles and home decor items.

Inspiration comes to me in the form of imperfection, line and texture. I find these imperfections in a rusty bridge, an old barn, a moss covered column, or an interesting crack in the sidewalk. Nature, architecture, history and bridges have been my biggest source of inspiration. When I am truly present and view the world in front of me, I can see possibilities in the simplest of things.  

My professional and creative life have always related to home.  Whether it’s designing a beautiful and functional interior space or creating things that fill a home with joy and tell a story, I find it’s all about living with things we love. 

